July 22nd: Brené Brown

In this series, 24 Women Who Change(d) the World, I will highlight women from various backgrounds, time periods, and areas of expertise that change(d) the world through their actions, talents, and choices. With 1 subject per day for 24 days, this series invites readers to think outside the box when it comes to their knowledge of historical figures–how many female historical figures can you name off of the top of your head? Let’s increase that count together.

Disclaimer: None of the photos below are mine; sources are linked.

Did you really think that you would make it out of this series without me rambling on about Brené Brown?! Oh contraire, mon ami. Let’s do this.

NAME: Dr. Brené Brown, PhD LMSW (Pictured Below)

BIRTHDATE: November 18, 1965

OCCUPATION(S): Professor, Researcher, Speaker, Author

Okay, ladies and gents– I think the best way to introduce you to Brené is to give you a brief biography and then link you to examples of her work!

BIOGRAPHY (from her website):

“The official line: I’m a research professor at the University of Houston where I hold the Huffington – Brené Brown Endowed Chair. I’ve spent the past two decades studying courage, vulnerability, shame, and empathy. I’m the author of five #1 New York Times bestsellers: The Gifts of Imperfection, Daring Greatly, Rising Strong, Braving the Wilderness, and Dare to Lead. My most recent book was released in October 2018 and is the culmination of a seven-year study on the future of leadership.

The bottom line: I believe that you have to walk through vulnerability to get to courage, therefore . . . embrace the suck. I try to be grateful every day and my motto right now is “Courage over comfort.” I do NOT believe that cussing and praying are mutually exclusive. And, I absolutely believe that the passing lane is for passing only. I’ve been married to Steve for almost 25 years and we have two amazing kids, Ellen and Charlie, and a weird Bichon named Lucy.” (Source)


BOOKS: Braving the Wilderness is my favorite book that I’ve read (so far) of Dr. Brown’s. You can read more about my favorite parts here: The Timeliness and Applicability of Brené Brown’s ‘Braving the Wilderness’.

SPEECHES/TALKS: Brené is one of the most eloquent and down to earth speakers that has graced this era with her words; it sounds dramatic, but let me tell you– I have watched some of her talks multiple times and am stunned each and every time by the truth in her words. Here are a few of my favorites:

1. On Shame

2. On Vulnerability

3. On Empathy, (for more, check out my blog, Empathy — The TECHniques Center Blog)

ALSO, I haven’t watched it yet (but I’m ready!!): she has a Netflix Special that’s out and it’s reportedly outstanding. (Pictured Below)

Go! Explore! Learn from Brené’s wisdom!!! Let me know what you learn, what you think, what you find… I want to hear from you!

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